Revealing Christ

The Life and Teaching of Jesus Explained and Applied

Written in plain English this book builds on the evidence of the Four Gospels to create one harmonised account of the life and teaching of Jesus Christ –

  • his Life – who he was, why he came and the qualities of his unique person
  • his Teaching – understanding his sermons and miracles
  • his Explanation – how to interpret parables and his life in the light of Old Testament prophecy
  • his Application – our obligations and responsibilities as followers of Jesus

As we read of his life and teaching we gain insight into his very person. We become more conscious of his immense courage, his resilience, his humility, his compassion.

In the first three-quarters of the book the Gospel accounts are treated as one complete whole, a harmony, thus providing a chronological view of the Lord’s years of public ministry and of his whereabouts when he was teaching and healing. A harmony facilitates a better understanding of how the different accounts relate to each other. The combination builds up the context of the incidents and sayings and identifies the events that occurred before and afterwards which may have influenced the Lord in his words and actions: this may prove an invaluable aid to interpretation and application. Faithful Bible teachers always read the relevant accounts in all the Gospels when seeking to explain the Lord’s action and words in one Gospel.

The recording of events is interwoven with background detail and explanations supported by additional Scriptures. Application for Christians today is also drawn out.

The section ‘The Four Gospels Harmonised’ is followed by thirty pages of ‘Significant facts’ dealing with the identification of various Jewish groups and institutions mentioned in the Gospels. Maps indicating the Lord’s journeys and lists of miracles and parables are also included.

The final section is devoted to understanding the individual contribution of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John to the historic record of the life and teaching of Jesus.

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The Old Testament Explained and Applied

Book coverWritten in plain English this comprehensive study enables the reader to gain a clear understanding of the contents of each Old Testament book so that the overall plan and purpose of God might be seen.

The author explains each book, drawing out its Christology and applying its message to today’s reader. Numerous diagrams and maps are used throughout.

This book identifies the predictions that were made about the One who will make a relationship with God possible -the Messiah/Saviour/Christ. Details of his life and death are anticipated throughout the Old Testament in numerous prophecies, theophanies and types. Over one hundred are explained.

By reference to the New Testament record of the Bible, the life, suffering and death of Jesus of Nazareth are clearly seen to fulfil these many Old Testament predictions. When Jesus was challenged about his claims to being the Messiah/Christ he presented, as one of a number of proofs, the content of Old Testament Scripture. On the great day of his resurrection he refers to the Old Testament as the abiding proof of his Person and Work.

This book identifies many of the Scriptures to which he would have referred. Each chapter deals with an Old Testament book and follows this format – introduction, author, historical setting, outline of contents, predictions about Christ and his Church, application and conclusion.

As the title makes evident, each chapter is carefully explained and then applied for today. Over fifty maps, charts and illustrations are included showing for example the line of descent from Adam to Noah, Israel’s journey from Mount Sinai to the Promised Land and the inter-relationship of kings and prophets.

The relevance of the Old Testament is brought out in over one hundred and thirty applications, for example, prayer in time of trouble, relying upon the promises of God, and repentance and its fruit.

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Growing Church Leaders

A church leadership training resource

Book coverThere is little doubt that many churches are suffering through an untrained or ill-trained leadership. Understanding and applying the doctrines of Scripture in public and private takes study, consideration and training.
This book is designed for use by church leaders for their own enhancement and in their training of other men for leadership. Each chapter begins with questions and recommended reading. Articles from differing viewpoints are suggested for reading with the chapter in advance for discussion in the next group session. The trainer and the trainees will then come prepared to stretch and train their thinking and increase their ability in handling and applying Scripture to every situation.
Areas addressed include pastoral oversight, leadership and counselling; preaching, evangelism, mission, church planting and personal life.
It is not intended as a substitute for theological training but deals with practical issues of church life in a living church setting.
Individuals leaders and potential leaders who have no access to group discussion will also benefit from working through this book.

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Everyday Evangelism

Book coverAll Christians are witnesses for Christ – either good witnesses or bad witnesses. Christian life itself is evangelistic; it paves the way for verbal communication in public preaching or private conversation.
Consideration is given in this book to the place of prayer, worship, and preaching in evangelism; to the Great Commission and to the quality of the individual Christian life.
Believers are urged to gain a clear understanding of the gospel and be able and willing to speak about the Lord without using religious jargon. Charts are included for church-based evangelistic strategy.

Individuals leaders and potential leaders who have no access to group discussion will also benefit from working through this book.

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